Education Offerings

We provide seminars for individuals or groups seeking general advice on investments and other areas of personal finance. The General Overview Training offerings are day-long sessions with broad agendas, whereas the Quick Start sessions are typically 90 minutes in duration and address more-specific topics.

These seminars are purely educational in nature and do not involve the sale of any investment products. Information presented will not be based on any individual’s need, nor does EA provide individualized investment advice to attendees during these seminars.

Topics covered during educational seminars will be determined mutually by the Client and EA. The topics listed below are currently offered; additional topics will be added over time, and client-specific requests for new topics or modified versions of the topics listed below are welcome.

Class size is recommended to be individuals or small groups of up to four clients.

Education Services Timeline

  • Individual Financial Management - General Overview Training

    This training session covers general financial management training on the following topics:

    1. Financial Planning Process Overview
    2. How to Create a Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Cash Flow
    3. Budgeting
    4. Investing
    5. Taxation
    6. Insurance and Annuity Products
    7. Estate Planning

    Training duration will be ~6 hours.

  • Small Business Owner Company Management - General Overview Training

    This training session covers general business management topics including:

    1. Business Structure
    2. Business Financing
    3. Business Valuation
    4. Business Continuity
    5. Employee Compensation and Benefits
    6. Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans
    7. Treatment of Key Employees
    8. Business Succession Planning
    9. Estate Planning Concerns for Business Owners

    Overview training will be ~7 hours; each individual module requires approximately 45 minutes to complete.

    The agenda can be adjusted per customer interest.

  • Quick Start Topics - Personal Investors

    1. How to Create a Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Cash Flow
    2. Creating a Budget
    3. Debt Analysis
    4. Retirement Plan Types and Considerations
    5. Estate Planning Overview
    6. Income Tax Overview
    7. Estate and Gift Tax Overview
    8. Insurance and Annuity Product Overview

    Additional topics can be covered per client request

  • Quick Start Topics - Small Business Owners

    1. How to Create a Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Cash Flow
    2. Creating an Annual Budget
    3. Financing and Debt Analysis
    4. Business Valuation and Succession Planning
    5. Assessing In-House vs. Outsourced Support
    6. Employee Benefits Overview
    7. Insurance Product Overview

    Additional topics can be covered per client request.